Audita - future-proof smart contract auditing
Our experts compare your documentation to code functionality and look for discrepancies.
Ensuring that your smart contract documentation accurately reflects the functionality of your code is essential for both developers and end-users.
Audita's experts perform documentation reviews to identify discrepancies between your smart contract's code and its associated docs. Our goal is to ensure your documentation is as clear, accurate, and helpful as possible, facilitating easier maintenance, updates, and user engagement.
Meticulous comparison of your smart contract's code against its documentation to identify any inconsistencies, outdated information, or missing details.
Based on our findings, we provide recommendations on how to improve your documentation. This might include suggestions for clearer explanations or additional details on specific functions.
Best Practices
Advice on documentation best practices, such as structuring, formatting, and language use, making your documentation more accessible and understandable.